Tuesday, March 1, 2011

#1 Goal

Obviously, my #1 goal is to get into the school for my major. Last year I was confident that I would get into the ATR program, but I fell short by one. This year, to try to up my chances so that I can for sure get in, I made it a point to be more engaged during my clincal hours. Every day in the training room, these were my personal goals...
1. Engage in conversation with the ACI's, ask questions in ways that show you know what you are talking about.
2. Really try to learn how all the modalities work so that when I get in the program, they know I will be competent at operating them.
3. Don't come in tired or distracted, leave outside drama and thoughts at the door so that focus lies on training when in the room
4. Make myself known to ACI's, go to practices with them so they know my face and name
5. Talk to and hang out with the other students so that they grow to like you, know your name, and feel comfortable with you being a part of their program.

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